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Emergency Communication

Azusa Unified schools follow a Comprehensive Safety Plan, which includes procedures for a wide variety of emergencies.  Student safety is the priority in every phase of emergency planning and we remain in constant contact with local emergency management officials throughout any emergency.

Communication is a major component of our Comprehensive Safety Plans. AUSD utilizes several communication methods to keep our community informed, depending on the nature of the incident and the actions we may need parents to take. These include the Azusa Unified Parent Square mobile app, the AUSD website, Facebook, Twitter, and Parent Square, our automated notification system (text, e-mail, and/or telephone messages). In order to focus our attention on student safety during an emergency, communications efforts will be coordinated at the district level.

In a large-scale emergency, events happen fast and situations can vary from site to site. We are committed to keeping our community informed in a timely manner, especially as it pertains to early or delayed dismissal times, transportation issues, and any other changes to your student’s instructional day. We understand that there is not one communication tool that will reach everyone, so throughout the course of an emergency, we may use a variety of methods to communicate with you. Please remember that the nature of the situation will determine which communications method we use. Non-emergency situational updates will generally be made via social media. When a specific response or instructions are required, multiple communication methods will be utilized. To ensure you are receiving AUSD emergency communication, please follow our official social media sites and ensure you have updated contact information in aeries including a valid email address and phone number. 

During emergencies, please follow all district and law enforcement instructions.  Failure to do so may cause significant delays in our ability to release individual students to parents, as our priority will be maintaining the safety of the overall site population. When regular dismissal times or procedures are altered due to an emergency, we will have a student sign-out process in place for the safety of all concerned.

Every day we focus on creating a safe and secure instructional environment. As a parent, you can help by having the AUSD ParentSquare mobile app installed and making sure all your contact information is up to date.

Thank you for collaborating with us to keep our school safe.